..黑岩 ...各位同学给我的问题,似 广泛了一些。但我还是在短的时间内(发 言时间四十分钟),摘要地与同学们分享我的文学时光。 为什么要写?令人想及人类的思维与一般动物有别;换句话说,人类的思 维有较高的层次,所以人类有万物之灵之称,他们的思想能分析,因此有 必要纪录其思维活动,以便被此沟通,在没有文学纪载的时代,我们的祖 先早已知道以象形文字,画在石壁上,写在竹刻中。其实在人类没有文字 沟通以前,他们早已知道以这种意象,发展对天文地理,文学艺术,思想 学术的交流。 当然在文字的发展过程中,思想的传达,影响所及范围 大。我们想想, 人类若是没有文字的纪实和传真,整个世界唯有陷入囗传知识,囗传知识 有时是没有凭 ,容易产生负面的效果,那就是一传二,二传三,遂渐把 一件简单事件传为一桩复杂的课题。你们听过<小蝇苍变成大象>的故事 吗?还有一则有关动物发生逃亡, 不经过实际调查, 盲目产生逃亡故事 吗?这故事不只发生在童话世界,也发生在现实生活中。另当别论的文字 记载,也不一定是真实,也有产生误解, 误导的现象, 那是别有居心丑 曲,恶意煽动,巅覆的目的,这是<为什么要写,写些什么>的另类企图。 文字是人类书写的传统工具,也是彼此传达思想,讯息的交流,只是发展 至今,在科技知识爆炸的时代,我们早已由书本,报刊发展到国际网络的 传达,只要我们手指一按,就能寻找我们所欲知的图片与文字,其中包括 天文地理,文学艺术,当今世界新闻.....。所以在科技发展至今, 一切知识再也不被封闭,垅断。这是我们当今生活与思想的大突破,但也 有造成负面另页,因为在网际网络也有不好的东西,例如一些色情图片与 文字的描写。所以有人说,色狼几时来你的房间也不能设防,对这些负面 的课题,只要求大家能自我约束,自身保重。..... 写些什么?其实什么都能写, 凭着各位的感受, 由你身边熟习的提材开 始。就像现在各位坐在一整排位置上。看看你的左右,前後的同学开始, 你们看起来是个人坐在这里听讲座会,其实你们之间,是为着一个学会举 办的活动而来,现在你们在听讲,你们的视线都同一在方向,注视台上的 活动;在整个礼堂内,其实你们是习习相关,正如大家共趁一条船,生死 共存。好,你就从你周围细心观察,一定会发现许多有趣的提材,这就间 接答覆写些什么?也就直接给我一个答案,那就是什么都能写。 但我这里补充所谓什么都能写,并不是所谓有闻必录那种的狼谷虎咽,而 是要细细咀嚼。 这其间包括提材上的蒙太奇(剪接), 意识流的创作手 法。在提升对方面的创作水准,就不能不加以进补了。那就是勤读名家作 品,包括文学与非文学创作资料,也概括中外的现代与古典作品,包括文 学作品,史科,哲学, 美学各类书藉;同时也不忘对资讯信息, 时事动 态,经济波动,什至行政管理,个人激励问题。 各位同学,请勿惊慌,我例出这么多的课题,并不是要你在一天或短期内 消化掉,而是要你在不同时期内,毫不歇息进补再进补,否则你的创作天 空将陷入在局限范围内,产生思想困顿,眼光短局,提材只限於个人身边 的芝麻小事,唠唠叨叨,令人不耐。 这里,有个问题,不能不谈:如何探悉你不熟习的提材,反而来说,在什 么都能写的大提前下,是否能写你四周环境以外的世界,我想是可以的。
验之後,一定设法突破,写出另类作品, 就不会把自己困於自身的绑脚
石。 文友的交流,彼此勉励也是重要,在同学们写作中,我深信学校的华
文学会会扮着重要角色。 也许我谈及太多涉及理论的问题,现在分发给各位手上是一篇短篇小说: 《桃花一事》, 让我依<为什么要写? 写些什么?>着为补充发言的材 料。 ....大家都读过这篇小说,对其文字内容想是有一定的概念吧。让我 再次把其内容分析如下: 小说的人物:我(作者),秋雨(诗人,渔人),常玉(诗人爱人) 小说时空、地点:现代(诗人与我友谊)。过去(六十年代反殖斗争,诗 人与爱人的厄运)。未来(不敢论定,是秋雨手执桃花,浮尸农村) 小说以写实的手法,描绘与诗人的友谊,彼此都是深受垂钓,与<诗>毫 无瓜葛,他出席诗人的<秋雨诗集《他看桃花去了》推展酒会,纯碎是一 种<因为他是我的好友。因为他性情豪放热忱,广结天下好友>。同时作 者也趁此自嘲,<即无卖弄诗文,也不得意商场>,以显示作者与渔人友 谊关系只建在垂钓上。 《他看桃花去了》这本诗集的推展,是小说的伏笔。 <看桃花,在那秋高气爽的季节,是最过瘾>是小说伏笔的伸延。得到的 结局,因为看桃花,是阿玉最爱,但? (A)谁知过了不久,她的乳癌复发,去了..... (B)这是我去国一月回来後,在家人替我留下旧报章读到的讣闻。 (C)偶而也在街坊遇见秋雨,他仍然活着如常,依旧谈笑风生,但 我看出他心中的悲痛.....。 从(A)至(B)是作者以文学後设手法,光写结局後才遂渐分析。 (C)则是一如反常的结局,当然背後包含折翼的悲痛,则是让读者 深思。 小说第二段开始,以意识流手法括出<六十年代,反殖高潮在这土地蕴酿 着>。这是时代的交流,在读者脑海中出现电影蒙太奇的画面,重叠在群 众高举反大马计划旗帜,群众与警察冲突,大逮捕镇暴到处横行的画面。 这里,作者以<横行>两子,钩出了有趣的字眼。横即<横蛮>之意,也 可说是与群众直行队伍有强烈的对抗,也可解释在暴行中的一种骚乱。 但,这些都不是主要,小说只交代那时代气氛(背景),接下写着那封寄 给阿玉的情书(诗)的经过,三言两笔,把秋雨与常玉的爱情写得淋谳尽 至。当然,那是一首理想主义的呕歌,与现代生活中:<他背弃了昔日战 友,他结婚,他生孩子,好似这世界与他无关....他赚钱,他饮酒作 乐,当然他也到台湾风流快活过.....。> 但<他心中对常玉的真挚,却一成不变>。这是活的现实,所以诗人由理 想主义者转变成为现实主义的渔人个性,尽管如此,渔人中的世界内容, 依然包括理想主义呕歌的爱情。否则他不会到神州去看<桃花>;其实< 桃花>根本是死去阿玉的梦幻身影。(拉让江,在她眼眸中,不正是桃花 盛开,秋高气爽的时刻,在遥远的迷蒙对岸,确是一株株盛开桃花树,婉 紫嫣红,点尽落叶中.....>。(读完後, 你别问拉让江那里 有桃 花?桃花只是作者借小说主角的幻梦)。 小说的结局(THE CONCLUSION):我(作者)注视一花边新闻标题:<农 民发展一手持桃花浮尸,於某山谷>。後...再於传直机上读之: <今日最後班机MHXXX抵巫,请接机.....> 是否搞乱了你的思维,但<别忘了,带你的鱼杆。秋雨>。算是确认 (COMFIRMATION)。 《桃花一事》作者通过几种不同手法,其中包括现实主义与现代主义的结 合,再渗与後设与蒙太奇,意识流的配合。在科技知识日益发达的今天, 写作再也不能坐井观天的局限,希 通过导读《桃花一事》这篇小说,对 大家<为什么要写,写些什么>课题,有所帮助。 (6.6.98)
几位热爱文艺的朋友,早就希望有这样一个副刊,现在终於有了,我们自然欢 喜。亲爱的读者,希望你们也能喜欢。文坛寂寞,我们不敢这么说,但总愿意 尽一分力,增加热闹,为读者添一份有内容,有水准。有风格的读物. 我们是「新月」。月是汇集和反射日光。这种反照的光是清新、奇幻、爽朗、 柔和而多姿多彩的。她那么可爱,那么引人。愿我们这个副刊能无愧於自己的 名字。我们虽志在文艺,却不想那么单调,而愿意:方面广些,趣味多些。我 们不排斥任何流派的作品,不拒绝任何新奇的理论。自然也不放弃编辑者的取 舍之权。我们舍弃的, 未必就不好,我们所选取的, 也未必全部为我们所同 意。本期的作者,都是本地文坛的活跃人物,他们的作品在本地文坛的朋友中 是早有定评的,无需我们再多说,请读者自己欣赏。 本刊筹备出版的时间非常短促,在这里必须感谢本期执笔的作者,他们几乎都 是放下自己的工作,为我们赶稿。 如果没有光,月儿将暗淡失色,「新月」要靠大家增光而增光的。 山河在歌唱,光在内耀,生活是如此广阔,彩笔应举得更高,把生活的图案描 绘得更加美好。 未了,下期有些文章我们想在这里预告一下:「神州之旅」、「古诗欣赏」、 新诗等。 注:「新月」副刊创刊于1988年7月3日。刊於「诗华日报」的<诗华周刊>
匆匆的从民丹 赶来,下榻京城後,用过午餐,只说是上去看看,不想他们
展每届似 都是只推未介。
採訪林志豪之前,我對他可說是一無所知,只知道他是《有陽光的地方就有華人》一書的編者。 我曾經嘗試透過互聯網搜尋,可是找到的資料都不是這位來自砂拉越,才華洋溢的年輕人。 所以我沒能做什麼事前準備就跟他進行專訪了,幸好這位年輕人非常愛說話,短短一小時的訪問就像老朋友喝咖啡聊天似地,在輕鬆愉快的氛圍裡進行。
张猷疋:写作贵在坚持 成员应展实力增文彩

■ 美里笔会召开2013年常年会员大会一瞥。
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Lau King Howe Hospital Memorial Museum刘钦侯医院纪念馆
Sibu - Early History
The root of Sarawak Foochow ....
Before 1st June 1873, Sibu was known as "Maling", named after the winding portion, "Tanjung Maling", on the other side of Rejang River. Maling was a small village with a few small and simple shophouses consisted of atap roof and wooden walls and floors. Main population was Malay and Chinese was minority. In 1841 "Sarawak" (the present Kuching - Sarawak Capital) was ruled by 'White Rajah', James Brooke. On 1st June 1873, the third division was created and the division was named after the native rambutan because of the fact that the division had a lot of native rambutan known as "Buah Sibau" in Iban language. Native rambutan was small and sour unlike the improved varieties currently sold in the market which are big and sweet with fruit easily removed from the seed. Prior to 1900, the businessmen in the towns of Sarawak were mostly Kekhs or Ming-nam people of Chinese origin. Business in those days was mainly barter trade.
In 1901 Mr. Wong Nai Siong led the first batch of Foochows from China
to Sibu to open up the fertile lands of Sibu for cultivation, a
massive opening up of Sibu. Therefore, it was a landmark year or a
milestone in the history of the development of Sibu. Mr. Wong Nai
Siong originated from Ming Ching District, Foochow City, China.
According to records, his objectives in opening up Sibu were:
news of the efforts of the initial batches of the immigrants bearing
abundant fruits of their toiling and labouring in Sibu reached the
villages in China, more and more Chinese couples
migrated to Sibu to join in the search for greener pastures. Because of
the fact that the majority of the Chinese immigrants who came to Sibu
were Foochows, and because the Foochows played a major role in the
opening up of the plantation area, Sibu has been called New Foochow or
Small Foochow, a tribute to the Foochows for their contributions to
the development of the land in Sibu. The term "New Foochow" or "Small
Foochow" is not only locally used. It is clearly stated in the April
1901 issue of Sarawak Gazette: "The settlers are from Foochow and style
their place the New Foochow".
Regarding the other dialect groups, according to records, the Chiang-Chuan and Amoy people had come to Sibu earlier than the Foochows. But they did not come in large groups and were mainly concerned with commercial activities. Also, between 1902 and 1917 six hundred seventy six Cantonese came to Sibu to join in the opening up of Sibu. We are indeed indebted to our forefathers for having laboured and suffered tremendously in their pioneering endeavours to open up Sibu as a new area for the settlement of the immigrants. We should also not forget their concerted efforts to open up school and Christian organizations. Let us, as descendants of the pioneers, strive for further development and progress of our hometown, Sibu.
Before 1st June 1873, Sibu was known as "Maling", named after the winding portion, "Tanjung Maling", on the other side of Rejang River. Maling was a small village with a few small and simple shophouses consisted of atap roof and wooden walls and floors. Main population was Malay and Chinese was minority. In 1841 "Sarawak" (the present Kuching - Sarawak Capital) was ruled by 'White Rajah', James Brooke. On 1st June 1873, the third division was created and the division was named after the native rambutan because of the fact that the division had a lot of native rambutan known as "Buah Sibau" in Iban language. Native rambutan was small and sour unlike the improved varieties currently sold in the market which are big and sweet with fruit easily removed from the seed. Prior to 1900, the businessmen in the towns of Sarawak were mostly Kekhs or Ming-nam people of Chinese origin. Business in those days was mainly barter trade.
(a) to escape from the sufferings of the totalitarian government of the Ching Dynasty
(b) to search for new avenues of livelihood for the poor in his village in China.
(b) to search for new avenues of livelihood for the poor in his village in China.
Mr. Wong Nai Siong came to Singapore in
September 1899. From there, he proceeded to West Malaysia, Sumatra and
the Dutch East Indies. For six months he explored the places but
failed to find a suitable place for the immigration and settlement of
his folks in China. In April 1900, Mr. Wong Nai Siong came to Sarawak
and got the approval of the Sarawak Rajah to look for a suitable site for Chinese immigrants.
Mr. Wong explored the lower valley and upper reaches of the Rejang River. He soon discovered that the Rejang Delta was very fertile and particularly suitable for cultivation. So he decided to choose the area for opening up for cultivation.With that decision, Mr. Wong went to see the second Rajah of Sarawak, Rajah Charles Brooke, for discussions regarding the matter of opening up of land for cultivation. In those days of the Rajahs, Sarawak was sparsely populated with vast land yet to be developed, Mr. Wong's plan was timely and very much appreciated.
So, when Mr. Wong Nai Siong went to see Sir Charles Brooke and explained to him his plan to lead large groups of Foochows to open up Sibu for cultivation, the Rajah immediately agreed. Both parties signed an agreement. Below are the first 4 of the 17 terms of the agreement signed and sealed on 9th July, 1900 in Kuching.
Memo of Agreement was made in duplicate between the Sarawak Government, hereinafter mentioned as the Government, on the first part and Messrs. Wong Nai Siong and Lek Chiong of Chop Siin Hock Chaw Kang, hereinafter mentioned as the Contractors on the other part.
1. The Contractors agree to introduce into the Rejang River one thousand adult Chinese agriculturalists,men & women and about three children and to establish them in that river for the purpose of cultivating rice, vegetables, fruits, etc., but of these immigrants not more than one half are to be introduced during the first year, that is to say before June 30, 1901, and the rest the Contractors undertake to introduce during the following year, that is to say between June 30, 1901 and June 30, 1902.
2. The Government undertakes to advance the Contractors the sum of thirty dollars (RM 30.00) for each adult and ten dollars (RM 10.00) for each child so introduced, and of these advances two thirds shall be paid to the Contractors in Singapore, and the balance to Kuching on the arrival of the immigrants, there and the Contractors undertake that moiety of the immigrants to be introduced during the first year as mentioned in Paragraph 1 shall be brought to their destination in the Rejang within 4 calendar months from the date they receive the advances in Singapore as above mentioned.
3. The Contractors undertake to repay all such advances to the Government within six years from the date of this Agreement as follows: Nothing to be paid by the Contractors during the first year, during each of the subsequent years one fifth of the advances to be paid each year, that is to say RM 6.00, for each adult and RM 2.00 for each child in respect to the advances paid on their amount in accordance with Section 2.
4. The Government undertakes to provide for the passage of the above mentioned immigrants from Singapore to the Rejang, or, in the event of the Contractors bringing these immigrants direct from China to the Rejang basin, the Government will pay the Contractors RM 5.00 for each immigrant as passage money.
The Chinese immigrants came in three batches. The first batch consisted of 72 people, the second batch 535, and the third batch 511, totalling 1118 people. Of the total, 130 brought their spouses and families, while the others were bachelors. After working in Sibu, nearly all the immigrants chose to settle down and made Sibu their new home. Some bachelors asked their parents back in China to "Marry Girls" on their behalf and send them to Sibu. Although many of those new brides who came to Sibu had never seen their partners before, they were happy to settle down. They raised families and toiled with their husbands for a brighter future in Sibu.
Mr. Wong explored the lower valley and upper reaches of the Rejang River. He soon discovered that the Rejang Delta was very fertile and particularly suitable for cultivation. So he decided to choose the area for opening up for cultivation.With that decision, Mr. Wong went to see the second Rajah of Sarawak, Rajah Charles Brooke, for discussions regarding the matter of opening up of land for cultivation. In those days of the Rajahs, Sarawak was sparsely populated with vast land yet to be developed, Mr. Wong's plan was timely and very much appreciated.
So, when Mr. Wong Nai Siong went to see Sir Charles Brooke and explained to him his plan to lead large groups of Foochows to open up Sibu for cultivation, the Rajah immediately agreed. Both parties signed an agreement. Below are the first 4 of the 17 terms of the agreement signed and sealed on 9th July, 1900 in Kuching.
Memo of Agreement was made in duplicate between the Sarawak Government, hereinafter mentioned as the Government, on the first part and Messrs. Wong Nai Siong and Lek Chiong of Chop Siin Hock Chaw Kang, hereinafter mentioned as the Contractors on the other part.
1. The Contractors agree to introduce into the Rejang River one thousand adult Chinese agriculturalists,men & women and about three children and to establish them in that river for the purpose of cultivating rice, vegetables, fruits, etc., but of these immigrants not more than one half are to be introduced during the first year, that is to say before June 30, 1901, and the rest the Contractors undertake to introduce during the following year, that is to say between June 30, 1901 and June 30, 1902.
2. The Government undertakes to advance the Contractors the sum of thirty dollars (RM 30.00) for each adult and ten dollars (RM 10.00) for each child so introduced, and of these advances two thirds shall be paid to the Contractors in Singapore, and the balance to Kuching on the arrival of the immigrants, there and the Contractors undertake that moiety of the immigrants to be introduced during the first year as mentioned in Paragraph 1 shall be brought to their destination in the Rejang within 4 calendar months from the date they receive the advances in Singapore as above mentioned.
3. The Contractors undertake to repay all such advances to the Government within six years from the date of this Agreement as follows: Nothing to be paid by the Contractors during the first year, during each of the subsequent years one fifth of the advances to be paid each year, that is to say RM 6.00, for each adult and RM 2.00 for each child in respect to the advances paid on their amount in accordance with Section 2.
4. The Government undertakes to provide for the passage of the above mentioned immigrants from Singapore to the Rejang, or, in the event of the Contractors bringing these immigrants direct from China to the Rejang basin, the Government will pay the Contractors RM 5.00 for each immigrant as passage money.
The Chinese immigrants came in three batches. The first batch consisted of 72 people, the second batch 535, and the third batch 511, totalling 1118 people. Of the total, 130 brought their spouses and families, while the others were bachelors. After working in Sibu, nearly all the immigrants chose to settle down and made Sibu their new home. Some bachelors asked their parents back in China to "Marry Girls" on their behalf and send them to Sibu. Although many of those new brides who came to Sibu had never seen their partners before, they were happy to settle down. They raised families and toiled with their husbands for a brighter future in Sibu.
Regarding the other dialect groups, according to records, the Chiang-Chuan and Amoy people had come to Sibu earlier than the Foochows. But they did not come in large groups and were mainly concerned with commercial activities. Also, between 1902 and 1917 six hundred seventy six Cantonese came to Sibu to join in the opening up of Sibu. We are indeed indebted to our forefathers for having laboured and suffered tremendously in their pioneering endeavours to open up Sibu as a new area for the settlement of the immigrants. We should also not forget their concerted efforts to open up school and Christian organizations. Let us, as descendants of the pioneers, strive for further development and progress of our hometown, Sibu.
- 王振平
1) 文苑--诗巫中华文艺社负责
2) 集园--本地文友投稿的园地
3) 莘园--中学生、本地文友投稿的园地
4) 培苗--中华文艺社属下中学团体培苗
5) 艺盾--砂拉越华族文化协会供稿
6) 星期天市集(之前为犀鸟乡情)--各作者专栏
7) 小朋友园地--小学生投稿园地
8) 葡萄园--教会文艺
博文 (Atom)